Dryer Duct

A cleaning of your dryer duct will reduce the risk of fire
but also increase the efficiency of your dryer.
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Most people know that not cleaning their dryer's lint traps can be a fire risk. But did you also know that your dryer duct presents similar risks?

Dryer Duct Services


Everyone knows to clean out their lint trap, but how many of you have cleaned out your dryer ducts recently. Dryers are among the top appliances for starting house fires, The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that an estimated 15,000 house fires are started by dryer ducts and lint traps every year.

Obviously safety is your biggest concern, but don't forget that a standard dryer duct cleaning will also save you money on your electric bill. Shane's Chimney Care guarantees savings on your energy bill after a dryer duct cleaning. The opening up of blockage or clutter in your vents will help heat circulate better, allowing for your clothes to dry more efficiently.

If you have never had your dryer ducts cleaned out before, please feel free to read our FAQ's below for more information. Also, feel free to call us with any questions you might have.

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Dryer Duct FAQ

What are the steps to cleaning a dryer vent?

  1. We inspect the exterior vent and cap for blockage or damage
  2. We inspect the lint screen channel for by-pass & obstructions
  3. We check the lint screen for tears in mesh or for damage
  4. We inspect the vent hose for lint build-up & possible damage
  5. We then use both a brush and vacuum to clean the vent hose
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Why should I get my dryer vent cleaned?

  • Fire
  • Water Vapor Damage
  • Carbon Monoxide Buildup (Gas Powered Only)
  • Save Money & Time!
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